Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Poems

It's been a productive three months.  I've had 16 poems accepted in various magazines and journals. Today I got word that a humorous haiku (senryu) was accepted at Beyond Centauri, and a few days ago I placed my first long poem (50 lines or over) at Nightblade Magazine for their special poetry issue (out in November or December I think). Should be a good one. There will be a limited edition print run as well as a PDF.

Ideomancer also accepted one of my poems, and any day now I should have "Sentient Shadows Rise" up on the halloween page of the SFPA. That one's in audio, and thanks to Garage Band, in a much deeper,  sexier voice than my own.


  1. Wow, that is an incredible, result. See you in the TOC of Niteblade. I'm on a poetry jag myself.

  2. Thanks, Deborah! All my many, many, many rejections have been blessings. They forced me to try harder, be better, learn more about the craft from all he great editors and poets out there who take the time to offer a critical word or two. I am deeply indebted to them. Too much success early on damns an artist to stagnate, but too little discourages. It's a fine line to toe. Best of luck. I know you have a few out there.
